1 Is there a way to introduce conditions like
 if Q[transaction=...] or if Q[page=...] with the Designer in a script?
Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
2 How can I change the title of the R/3 screen with Designer? Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
3 Does the GuiXT Designer program work on Windows 2000? Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
4 How can I add an icon to the R/3 screen with Designer? Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
5 I want to change a screen but Designer shows a different screen. What’s wrong? Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
6 How do I run Designer? Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
7 How do I start Designer and display the current SAP screen in Designer window? Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
8 I have made changes using Designer; SAP screen does not show these changes. How do I make them appear on SAP screen? Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
9 I have modified a TAB (Transaction) using GuiXT. However, when I switch to another TAB(Transaction), the GuiXT modifications appear on the other TAB (Transaction) as well. How do I prevent this from happening? Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
10 How do I hide (delete) TABs? Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
11 What should I do if the toolbars on GuiXT Designer do not appear? Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
12 Problem trying to launch the Designer  (For question in full, see answer page.) Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
13 Is it possible to move fields from one tab to another using Designer? Sap Guixt pfeile Designer
