1 The R/3 standard transaction VD03, customer address data, looks like this:
Using GuiXT Viewer, you can choose the following layout instead:
For this example you need the following GuiXT script: if Q[Transaction=VD03] View (2,4) (16,80) “template=CustomerAddress.html” del (2,0) (24,80) endif |
With an html editor (like MS Frontpage) you produce the template file CustomerAddress.html, in which you use variables in order to show the R/3 screen fields. The notation for variables is the standard GuiXT notation. Field names as well as coordinates are possible:
2 As a next step, we now want to show the contact persons in the same html display. In standard R/3 they are displayed on a separate screen:
We use the InputAssistant with the following scripts: Start screen VD03: Clear all GuiXT variables starting with VD03.
Address display in VD03. Check if it is necessary to read the contact persons. If yes, enter the internal code for the contact person display and process the input script. Otherwise: Show the data in html format.
Input Script. On the screen with the contact persons, set internal variables with the values needed later on. Use the “View Screen Elements” display in GuiXT for the name of the variables. Some of them have no names (no field labels), in which case you use screen coordinates.
html editor. Use the GuiXT variables in order to display the field values.
Final result:
In a similar manner you can add information from other screens as well. |