GuiXT Tutorial General Topics 1  2  3  4  5  6 Add images continue 

Images can easily be integrated into SAP screens using GuiXT.  Either fixed images, e.g. a company logo in the logon screen, or data dependent images such as an identity photo or a product image. GuiXT supports the images formats .gif, .jpg and .bmp.  Another useful possibility is to start PC applications by clicking on the image itself.

Here are a few typical examples:


Sap Guixt image.6.1 Add images 

In the image command you specify the image file and the screen coordinates. The image files can be stored locally, on a file server, or on an http/ftp server.

Box (0,0) (5,64) “Welcome to IAS – International Air Service” 
Image (0.6,1) (4.8,28) “ias.gif”

For data dependent images you put a variable into the image file name, a variable that stands for the object key (personnel number, material number):

Sap Guixt image.6.2 Add images 

image (0,87) (6,100) “\\server\pers\photo\&F[Personnel no.].gif” -nostretch

You can start PC applications by clicking on the image. For example, it makes sense to display the identity photo in full size. To achieve this, use the Start= option: 

Image …  …       Start=”\\server\pers\photo\&F[Personnel no.].gif”

You can also display a .doc file containing details about the person when the user clicks on the image:
Image …  …       Start=”\\server\pers\docs\&F[Personnel no.].doc”

Sometimes a single image is not sufficient, e.g. to display a complex product where you need several detailed views. For such cases, GuiXT offers the possibility of displaying a series of pictures through which the user can leaf back and forth. The example below shows a building as seen from the street, a plan of the building (ground-floor) and finally its location on a town map:

Sap Guixt image.6.4 Add images

Clicking on the left mouse button displays the next image, clicking on the right button the previous one:

Sap Guixt image.6.5 Add images
Sap Guixt image.6.6 Add images

You name the image files using a sequence number, e.g. name01.gif, name02,gif, name03.gif,….
In the
Image-command you replace the sequence number by &##, e.g.

image (0,54.5) (5.4,84.6) “&F[Company code]&F[Business entity]&F[Rental unit]&##.jpg” “-nostretch”

In this case, the image file names are 10001101.jpg, 10001102.jpg und 10001103.jpg.
For details please see the 
Image command documetation.  Sap Guixt weiter Add images

Add images