The all-inclusive standard SAP screen often contains a number of fields that you don’t need. With GuiXT you can get rid of unwanted elements, rename others and rearrange the screen to your liking. Designer makes these changes very easy, as you can see by way of the following example: We take transaction FB01 and delete, rename and reposition various fields, so that users are left with a beautifully simple “no fat” screen.
Standard transaction FB01 with proposed layout changes
Here is our result:
Simplified transaction FB01 with deleted, renamed and rearranged fields
How to proceed:
Go to the R/3 screen you want to change. Open Designer from within the GuiXT window. You then see the following three windows:
In Designer you mark the fields you want to delete with your mouse and press DEL. It couldn’t be easier than that!
To delete a group of fields you can mark them all together and press DEL.
To reposition the field Translation dte. you simply mark it with the mouse and drag it to the new position:
In the same way you can move a whole group of fields:
You can rename the field Translation dte. by simply changing its name to Translation date in the title field.
The result of your layout changes are automatically stored in the GuiXT script. Push the icon Toggle WYSIWYG mode in the toolbar to show the script editor.
Save the changes. The name is automatically given.
Please note: If you aren’t happy about your layout changes you can simply undo them: e.g. deleted fields are undeleted by removing the delcommand line in the script. The deleted field reappears on the screen.