Task description


Sample code, images Restrictions, R/3 Release, Sapgui version, GuiXT version
1 Reading a marked table line You want to add a new function in a screen containing a  table control. The user marks a table line and then presses a pushbutton that invokes an InputScript.

The problem is how you can  get the cell values of the marked line in your InputScript.

Solution You loop through all table lines on the screen.  When you find the marked line, you store the cell values into your own variables.

Special care has to be taken if no line or more than one line has been marked.

Sap Guixt sample Reading a marked table line

Last update: August 15, 2001

The selected line has to be visible on the screen.

GuiXT version: 2001 Q3 2 and upwards


Reading a marked table line