Texts are normally displayed and edited in a special “text control” in the SAP transactions. Here you can look over lengthy texts and change them easily if need be. In some cases, the “SapScript Editor” is used instead. GuiXT offers several possibilities to support text editing. In particular, when you simplify transactions, you can also integrate text handling. Here we present the technique to make use of GuiXT text handling. |
1. Insert a text proposal: To facilitate text entry, you offer one or several pushbuttons to insert standard text proposals that the user can change afterwards. In your proposal you can use text variables that are replaced by actual field values from the transaction. It is also possible to select the text proposal dependant on certain data in the transaction (e.g. priority).
GuiXT Script SAPLCOIH.ED3000.txt: InputScript textproposal.txt: Set V[Prio] “&F[Priority]“ Text proposal Priority 1 1 iw31text_prio1.txt: V e r y u r g e n t
2. Text editing in single screen transactions: As an example we add to transaction MM02 (Change material) a pushbutton that invokes direct editing of the material text. The example is shown to demonstrate the technique; in every day applications additional data will most likely be maintained on this screen as well.
GuiXT Script SAPLMGMM.ED0060.txt: Pushbutton (16,2) “@2L@Save” process=”MM02_UpdateText.txt” else Screen SAPLMGMM.0070 Screen SAPLMGMM.4004 Screen SAPLMGMM.4300 InputScript MM02_ReadText.txt: Screen SAPLMGMM.0070 Screen SAPLMGMM.4004 Screen SAPLMGMM.4300 Set V[MM02_DisplayTextbox] “X”