With GuiXT you can customize the layout of these tables; you can also read cell values, set cell values, or select rows.
Notation: If the table has a title title, e.g. “All items”, then the name of the table is [title] or T[title], e.g. [All items] or T[All items] For tables without a title the name is [Table] or T[Table]. If there exist two or more tables without titles, then the first table is addressed with [Table] or T[Table] and the following table gets a sequence number as suffix, starting with 2: [Table.2] or T[Table.2], …
Please observe that the box around a table might have a title of its own which is different from the table title. Often the table within the box has no title, as shown in the following picture:
GuiXT uses the names [Table] and [Table.2] in this case as well (table without title). If the table title and the box title are not easy to distinguish, please click on “View->Screen elements” in GuiXT to see the correct table names. Overview (see the keyword documentation for further details):
- pos shifts the whole table to a new position. Example:
pos [All items] (10,24)
- del deletes the whole table. Example:
del [All items]
- NoInput cancels the possibility for input for all table cells Example:
NoInput [All items]
- ColumnHeader changes a column header. Example:
ColumnHeader [All items,Plnt] “Plant”
- ColumnWidth changes the column width. Example:
ColumnWidth [All items,Description] 36
- ColumnOrder changes the column order. Example:
ColumnOrder [All items,Plnt] 6 ColumnOrder [All items,First date] 7
- &cell[...] is a variable that is replaced with the current cell value. Mainly used in order to save values from a screen while processing an InputScript. Example:
Set V[product1] “&cell[All items,Material,1]“ Set V[product2] “&cell[All items,Material,2]“
Notation: &cell[tablename,column name,row] The column name can also be a digit 1,2,3.. which refers to the original column number. The row number starts with 1.
- Set cell[...] sets a value into a cell. Mainly used in InputScripts for automated screen processing. Example:
Set cell[All items,Material,1] “&[product1]“ Set cell[All items,Material,2] “&[product2]“
Notation: Set cell[tablename,column name,row] “value” The column name can also be a digit 1,2,3.. which refers to the original column number. The row starts with 1.
- Row selection: : Set cell[tablename,0,row] “value” Selects a row (value “X”) or unselects a row (value ” “). Example:
Set cell[All items,0,1] “X”
- Column selection: : Set cell[tablename,column name,0] “value” Selects a column (value “X”) or unselects a column (value ” “). Example:
Set cell[All items,Material,0] “X”