1 How can I get test licenses?  Sap Guixt pfeile License
2 Which licenses for which components? Sap Guixt pfeile License
3 If a company buys, say, 100 licenses, can it split these across sites or are they registered for the one site only? Sap Guixt pfeile License
4 I want to add a new Designer license, but I always get the message “Unable to update serials database, please try again.” What should I do? Sap Guixt pfeile License
5 The testkey we were delivered works only in a Windows XP system and not on a Vista system. Do I need to change something to make it function in a Vista system? Sap Guixt pfeile License
6 We have migrated our database system to DB2 and now have a new SAP installation number. Do we need new GuiXT license keys? Sap Guixt pfeile License
7 A client of my company has a question regarding GuiXT licensing. If they buy a license key for the production system, will they also receive a free license for the quality/test system? Sap Guixt pfeile License
