General Topics | ||
1 | I get an error message when calling help for a command, what is wrong? | |
2 | Can we use InputAssistant in our R/3 3.1H system? | |
3 | We work with GuiXT on R/3 4.6. Can problems arise with GuiXT when we install mySAP ERP 4.7 for example, or SAP ECC 5.0 ? | |
4 | Will the existing concepts of user groups and catalogs work on ITS as well? | |
5 | Will GuiXT support the html based web Gui and SAP Workplace? | |
6 | Can you send us a reference list for your products? | |
7 | What is the relationship between Synactive GmbH in Germany and Synactive LLC in California? | |
8 | We would like to purchase a book or manual dealing with your products. Is such literature available? | |
9 | After logging on to R/3 I got the GuiXT license popup. I clicked on “System->Status>Activate GuiXT“, and it worked fine during this session. But each time I now logon to R/3 I have to perform the same GuiXT activation steps again. What can be done ? | |
10 | I cannot find the file guixt.dll on my computer. What is wrong ? | |
11 | Japanese consultants are looking for effective tools to build up user friendly entry screens for SAP R/3, i.e. with our two-byte code. In short, can we use your GuiXT products in Japan? | |
12 | How do I generate / create language independent scripts? | |
13 | What are the various GuiXT components and their uses? | |
14 | How do I move elements and hide (delete) elements on SAP screens? | |
15 | How do I hide (delete) pushbuttons from the toolbar? | |
16 | What are the typical steps to deploy GuiXT to the end users? | |
17 | What are the types of the files I need to deploy to the end users? | |
18 | I see files with an extension .sy1 and .inp in my GuiXT directory. What are they? Do I have to deploy these files to the end users? | |
19 | We want to use SAP web repository (transaction SMW0) for our scripts, and have already uploaded some scripts. But they are not read by GuiXT. What is wrong? | |
20 | We have observed strange behaviour, on one machine only. We have a desktop which has SAP GUI 4.6D and Windows NT. GuiXT works without problems on the live system. On our quality assurance system it appears initially on the first screen, but not in other transactions. And when I return to the first screen, it is no longer there. The GuiXT “Screen Elements” page is blank, and the GuiXT still shows the script for the first screen. It doesn’t seem to recognise that I am on a new SAP screen. Can you help? | |
21 | Connection with GuiXT: When GuiXT is activated and we try to connect to our systems D01, I01, P01 we have no problem, but when we try to connect to OSS1 we always get an error message, since our RFC user (needed to download scripts from web repository) is not in the OSS1 system. Can you tell me how we can connect to OSS1 without first deactivating GuiXT, and without getting the error message? | |
22 | Does GuiXT support ITS on Linux? | |
23 | Backward compatibility: Can you confirm that GuiXT is backwardly compatible with previous versions? We have users who are working with both versions 46D and 6.20 of the SAP GUI. | |
24 | Does GuiXT work with JAVA-Gui? | |
25 | What are the implications of Synactive‘s products for blind and visually impaired users? | |
26 | Is it possible to use GuiXT with Citrix? | |
27 | Is it possible to use GuiXT with Hebrew, a langua ge written right-to-left? | |
28 | In GuiXT version 2004Q37, why is the HistoryIcon, top right, (double arrow pointing down) missing? | |
29 | Response time problem after installing the application SAP GuiXT (For question in full, see answer page.) | |
30 | It seems that my GuiXT profile entries are destroyed. When I click on the profile button in GuiXT, instead of showing the profile window, GuiXT now opens a file guixt.ini What is wrong? | |
31 | I have created a “transaction variant” with transaction SHD0, and attached a GuiXT script to it. How can I now change this script? | |
32 | I would like to put scripts on an ftp-server. Access should be protected by a password. How can I transmit the password when connecting? | |
33 | Does Synactive support GuiXT with SAP GUI 6.40 and mySAP ERP 2004? | |
34 |
Could you please list all R/3 modules (FI, SD, PS, etc) supported by GuiXT? | |
35 |
As NetWeaver uses more and more Java and WebDynpro, how will GuiXT support these newer technologies? Ditto for Enterprise Portal 6.0 ? | |
36 |
Could you please send me the names and numbers of a couple of GuiXT reference customers with whom to compare notes? | |
37 | We are using a central guixt.ini file. For “History” we want to use a folder in the Windows temporary directory. How can I specify this in guixt.ini? | |
38 | Does running GuiXT on an ITS server negatively effect performance in any way? Consequently, is there a need for more robust ITS hardware if GuiXT is implemented? | |
39 |
I use GuiXT for several different SAP systems. When I work in the SAP OSS system, I do not want to use GuiXT, so I deactivate it in the sapgui options, and activate it again after finishing my work in OSS. Or is there a simpler way? | |
40 |
We use SAP web reposit | |
41 |
To use the SAP web repository, we created an RFC user and we released the function WWW_GET_MIME_OBJECT with transaction SMW0. Are any other actions needed? | |
42 | We use GuiXT in some but not all of our SAP systems, and we store the scripts in SAP web repository. In order to avoid an error message, is it necessary to create the RFC user in all systems (even where we do not use GuiXT)? | |
43 | Questions concerning GuiXT / InputAssistant security during auditing | |
44 |
Since changing our SAP system to Unicode we are having problems with the German “Umlaut” in our scripts (ä,ö,ü). They are not displayed in the SAP screen. What can we do? | |
45 | We want to put our scripts on a central UNIX server, but it doesn’t work; the scripts are not found. On Windows servers they function without problems. What could be the reason? | |
46 | I’m starting to use SAP Web Repository to store scripts. In GuiXT profile I have specified “SAPWR:Z.GUIXT” as Directory1. Now GuiXT displays the script file name “sapwr:z.guixt\sapmzrt4.d0100.txt”. I have tried to add the file “z.guixt\sapmzrt4.d0100.txt” to Web Repository, but it does not accept the backslash in the file name. | |
47 | We want all SAP users to be able to display our own Help documentation (in HTML format) for a number of relevant transactions in SAP. Is it sufficient to configure the “Help views” profile parameter? | |
48 | My SAP environment is in Chinese, language code ZF. I know the following rules for English and German, SAPLIQS0.E7200 for EN SAPLIQS0.D7200 for DE Could you please tell me how it works for Chinese, what is the name of the script file? | |
49 | Does GuiXT work with the BDT (Business Data Toolset)? | |
50 |
Is there a way to determine the SAP System date (as opposed to the local user computer date)? | |
51 |
User group security: who may have access to GuiXT scripts? | |
52 |
We store scripts in SAP Web Repository and notice that the performance decreases considerably when GuiXT is turned on. What can we do? | |
53 |
Is it possible to refresh an SAP screen automatically once every minute? | |
54 | We are upgrading to MySAP ERP 2005. Will GuiXT still work? Are there any issues we need to take into account, please? | |
55 |
I have implemented GuiXT on some of our supervisors’ machines, but one of them is getting a pop up box stating “No values available” each time he does a right hand click. How can this be rectified? | |
56 |
Three questions concerning http replication | |
57 |
What system variable can I use in the script to differentiate between ITS and GuiXT? I would like to execute part of the script only when executed through SAP GUI. | |
58 |
New SAP GUI puts GuiXT out of action; why? | |
59 |
We are upgrading our SAP system and will now be using Unicode. Is it now necessary to store all GuiXT scripts in Unicode UTF-8 format instead of ASCII? | |
60 |
Is it possible to use GuiXT in SAP Portal environment? | |
61 |
Do you know of any compatibility problems when upgrading to Windows Vista along with Sapgui Version 7.1? | |
62 |
Is it possible to use GuiXT with SAP running in Chinese? | |
63 |
After I entered my trial (test) license key I had to activate it the first time I logged on to SAP again (System->Status->Activate GuiXT key). When we go into production with GuiXT, will we have to explain this procedure to all our users? | |
64 |
Can you explain this strange phenomenon with my network connections when GuiXT is on? If I go in and out of VA03 to view sales orders, my network connections to SAP increase. In the netstat command output I see lots of “TIME_WAIT” entries. | |
65 |
We are currently using R3/46C with SAP GUI version 640. When we upgrade to ECC 6.0 with SAP GUI version 710, will we have to install a new GuiXT version for the new configuration? | |
66 |
With GuiXT Active, will the | |
67 |
What is the best way to exclude two users from the GuiXT views? From now on they are to work with the standard SAP screens. | |
68 |
Do you have a “Delta guide” that outlines the changes required with GuiXT when we upgrade from SAP 4.6C to SAP ECC 6.0? | |
69 |
Is it possible to use GuiXT with a local SAP GUI on Macintosh? | |
70 |
After going through your tutorials I tried to test my SAP terminal by recording the script as explained, and saving it as text in the GuiXT folder. Now your next step of configuring a pushbutton couldn’t be done. There are two screens in GuiXT editor: (1) left screen containing screen elements (labeled “E”) and (2) right screen (labeled “S”) into which I tried to add the script for the pushbutton. But I was unable to focus that screen in order to enter the cursor and write something. Please help. | |
71 |
We use the “VersionNumber” statement. Does the version number always have 4 digits? | |
72 |
After we have changed scripts in the Web Repository, do we have to necessarily increase the VersionNumber or only just change it? | |
73 |
When we use different systems with different scripts in the SAP Web Repository, will there be problems with the GuiXT cache? |