
Purpose With the TitlePrefix command you can provide the titles of all R/3 screens with their own prefixes, e.g. a tag for a particular system or for a particular client. The command is valid for the current screen and all the following ones. 
If the R/3 window happens to be minimised the modified title will be indicated in the taskbar, so that the user can easily distinguish between several systems, clients, etc.
TitlePrefix "&[_database]:"

For a system with the tag TST, all its titles will begin with “TST:”.

TitlePrefix "text"
& Tricks
  • It makes sense to put the TitlePrefix command in the Session-Script ESession.txt 
  • You can use the variables &[_database] and &[_client] 
  • A conditional combination is also possible, e.g.
    if V[_database=TST]
      TitlePrefix “Training:”
  • If a script’s own title is replaced by Title, the new title is displayed without a title prefix.
