
Purpose With ProcessingOption you can set special processing options. 
Example ProcessingOption ReturnOnError=Off ContinueOnPopup=Off
Format  ProcessingOption option=On/Off/value  

The  option is switched on or off, or a certain value is set. The default for each option is shown below as an example. 

All options that control the processing of an InputScript are reset to their default value when the InputScript is started. The other options remain valid for the whole session; they should be set in the session script esession.txt.

ContinueOnPopup=On On: If a popup screen is not found in the InputScript, it is displayed and the InputScript is continued.
Off: If a popup screen is not found in the InputScript, the InputScript is terminated with the display of the popup.

Use in: InputScript

ReturnOnError=On On: If the SAP application issues an error message, the start transaction is called again, all input values are filled in again, and the error message is displayed.
Off: If the SAP application issues an error message, the InputScript is terminated and the error message is shown on the current screen.

Use in: InputScript

TreatWarningAsErrors=Off On: Warning messages are treated as error messages.
Off: Warning messages are skipped, but inserted in the status window (see StatusMessage).

Use in: InputScript

MaxWarnings=20 Number of warning messages to be processed automatically for each screen. A further warning message is treated like an error message.

Use in: InputScript

LeadingSpace=Off On: In commands like  Set V[x] “F[element]“, leading space in the field value is kept.
Off: In commands like  Set V[x] “F[element]“, leading space in the field value is deleted.

Use in: session script

SearchHelpTransaction=”ZXF4″ Transaction code used for the search help function (F4) for your own input fields.

Use in: session script

DebugRFC=”Off” On:  Each GuiXT Remote Function Call (RFC) is processed in ABAP DEBUG Mode. This includes internal Calls (e.g. reading from SAP Web Repository).

Off:  Normal processing without Debugging.

Selects a font and font size for t
he history / local value help window.
Font weight between 1 (thin) and  9 (heavy). 
Tips & Tricks If you’ve used the option DebugRFC=”ON” before making a functioncall you need to reset the flag DebugRFC=”Off” after the function call, since call does not reset the flag.

Please use the following coding:

ProcessingOption DebugRFC=”On”
Call …
ProcessingOption DebugRFC=”Off”
