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28 Displaying company-specific help in SAP GUI for HTML

In SAP GUI for Windows, the “GuiXT Viewer” component offers a convenient way to display company-specific documentation for individual transactions (see :”Help Views” directory in GuiXT profile) without the need to write a  script for each screen. In SAP GUI for HTML the same approach is not possible, since the “Viewer” component is not available in this environment.

You can get around this with the following method of presenting a small “help page”.

In the GuiXT script for the screen where you want to offer your help (e.g. transaction FB01) add a line

Pushbutton (toolbar) “@0S\QOur company-specific help@Help” “/O” “Ctrl+F1″ process=“help_fb01.txt”

This displays a “Help” button in the toolbar:

Sap Guixt sample028.01 Displaying company specific help in SAP GUI for HTML

The function is automatically added to the screen context menu and can be invoked with Ctrl+F1:

Sap Guixt sample028.03 Displaying company specific help in SAP GUI for HTML

When the user clicks on the button, you display a popup window with your help text:

Sap Guixt sample028.02 Displaying company specific help in SAP GUI for HTML

The tip&trick is that you use the SAP standard “mode overview” popup which is shown on “/O”.

No html formatting is available for this kind of help display, so you have to put the text directly into the InputScript using “Text” commands. As the example shows, you can use SAP icons to improve the structure of the text. The popup window will contain scrollbars if you have longer texts.

Please click on the link in the next column to get the InputScript for the help popup display.


 Last update: 
January 13, 2006


Sap Guixt sample Displaying company specific help in SAP GUI for HTML  InputScript “help_fb01.txt”






Displaying company-specific help in SAP GUI for HTML